Code of Conduct

At the very core of Pala’s business, it is our mission to build the best and most sustainable product we can, that is fit for purpose and built to last. To achieve this, we partner with suppliers who share our values.  We provide them with a Code of Conduct which they must commit to before working with us. It outlines our minimum requirements to respect the health, safety and welfare of everyone working in the supply chain.

Pala sourcing Principles

Pala wants to be completely ethical, honest and transparent in everything we do. By doing so we ensure our suppliers are operating at a high ethical standard, and creating the right environment for the people and communities that work with Pala.

The Pala Code of Ethics policy sets the standards by which we aim to build long term partnerships with our suppliers, and conduct business through transparent and fair means.

We expect our suppliers to take great care to respect the wellbeing of their employees, communities and environment in which they operate. They should sign up to our International Sourcing Principles and communicate and implement these principles throughout their business dealings with Pala, including with their own employees.

Pala’s aim is to develop a supply chain that adheres to our International Sourcing Principles. They include principles of international law such as the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) fundamental principles for rights at work: no child labour, no forced labour, no discrimination and the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Our principles also cover best practices in wages, working hours, communication of employment conditions and health and safety in the workplace.

Additionally, we expect our partner suppliers to meet our high expectations of respect for the environment.

Pala takes these principles extremely seriously and expect our suppliers to work towards meeting these requirements as a minimum. All direct suppliers are required to sign up to our principles.

Pala Code of Conduct

1) No Child Labour

There shall be no recruitment of child labour. Children under the age of fifteen shall not be recruited or employed (or higher age if required by the law). Children and young persons under the age of eighteen shall not be employed at night or in hazardous conditions.

The policies and procedures shall conform to the relevant ILO policies.


2) No Discrimination

There must be no discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, nationality, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union or political membership.


3) Employment is freely chosen

There shall be no forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour. Workers must not be required to lodge deposits or their identity papers on commencement of employment. Workers must be free to leave their employer after reasonable notice.


4) Freedom of association and employee representation

Suppliers should respect the rights of employees to join or form an association of their choosing (such as workers council, union, or workers association). Where law restricts the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, the employer should facilitate, and not hinder, the development of parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining.


5) Wages and benefits of employment

Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week must meet, as a minimum, national legal requirements or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher. Wages should cover basic needs and provide some discretionary income.

Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure is not permitted, except those required by law. Any such deductions must not be taken without the express permission of the worker concerned.


6) Hours of work and regular employment

Accurate attendance, payroll and production records shall be maintained. Suppliers must commit to working towards compliance with ILO guidelines and national laws, whichever offers greatest protection. Overtime must be voluntary, and all employees should receive at least one rest day in every seven.

To every extent possible, work performed should be based on a recognised employment relationship. Obligations to employees under labour or social security laws and regulations should not be avoided using home working schemes, subcontracting or apprenticeships where there is no intent to provide regular employment.

The conditions for the termination of a contract should be laid out before employment commences and conform to established and transparent company practices and local law.


7) Discipline

Abuse of employees in physical, sexual or verbal forms of intimidation is not acceptable, and is prohibited.


8) Health and safety

A safe, clean and hygienic environment should be provided, considering the specific hazards of the industry. Adequate steps should be taken to prevent accidents and injury to health at work.

Workers should receive regular and recorded health and safety training. All workers should have access to clean toilet facilities and drinking water. Where provided accommodation should be clean, safe and meet the basic needs of workers.

Where suitable, a senior manager should be appointed as the Health and Safety representative for the company.

Written policies and practices must be in place and made available to minimise on-the-job employee accidents and injuries.  Policies and accident reports must be made available for inspection


9) Environment

Suppliers should ensure they are treating the local environment with respect, and meet all the relevant local and national regulations.

Energy and water use must be reported.

All hazardous and non-hazardous chemical emissions must be tracked. How chemicals are disposed of must be documented.

“As a B Corporation Pala commits to an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economic system for all people and the planet. See the world better.”