Our packaging

Nowadays, plastic free packaging should be seen as the rule not the exception. For Pala we have long been plastic free and will continue to look to seek partners that are innovating in this space and minimising their own impact on the environment.

Pala branded cardboard boxes

Box: Made from cardboard FSC MIX C114468. Recyclable


Pala postcards made from recycled card

Postcards: Made from recycled card stock and unlaminated. Vegan friendly inks. To be re-used!

Pala swung tags from recycled card

Swing Tags: made from recycled card stock and unlaminated. Vegan friendly inks. Recyclable

Pala recycled postal packaging

Mailer Bags: Padded envelope made from recycled materials and is recyclable.


We will always recommend re-using the mailer and the box where you can. If you are UK based then return your old frames to us and we will have them responsibly recycled. What better use than that!

Small changes

Wherever we can, we will look at ways to encourage small changes in our supply chain. In the past, when our frames have arrived from our manufacturer they were always wrapped in individual plastic bags for their protection. It’s necessary to have the protection, but not the plastic, so we encouraged our supplier to replace with 100% corn starch (biodegradable) bags by purchasing a big batch for them. We also suggested they might want to use for their other customers too. Small steps, big change!